Not getting up today!

I read a book to my babies the other day about a little boy who just refused to leave his bed. His mother tried everything she could but he just would not get up. All he wanted to do was sleep, and I’ve never related more to a children’s book in my life.

This pregnancy is taking me for a wild ride and I’m only two months in. I’ve been sick every day all day and it seems like no matter what I do I’m not getting enough food and sleep. Did I mention that my stomach is already covering my toes?

They say that each pregnancy is different and they really weren’t lying. My first pregnancy was a breeze. It was all sunshine and roses. I imagine that everywhere I went there was a glow coming from nowhere and peppy theme music following me like the movies I spend all of my time watching. My second pregnancy passed too fast for a description. I really don’t know what happened. My third pregnancy was a little painful but at least I wasn’t sick. My fourth pregnancy was a different struggle altogether. I suffered with a lot of depression during that one. This one has had me too sick to even function most days. However, I still find the time to be excited about the new baby and look at baby stuff every chance I get.

At this point, I think people only get pregnant so they can buy baby stuff. It’s kind of like therapy for me. Everything is so little and cute and there’s so much to choose from. I’ve been having a hard time staying out of the baby aisles.

So, since I’m barring myself from shopping I’ve really only left my bed to take care of my kids and go to work. Most days, I’m not even sleeping in my bed I’m just battling a migraine or gas pains. If I could send a note to my little one, I would tell him/her to be gentle with mommy.

Know that you are loved little baby and your family can’t wait to meet you. If I had to live in my bed for nine months, I’d do it five times just so I could see your face. Take your time in there and grow big and strong. Mommy will be in bed if you need anything!

Pregnant, Again?

I was living! Now, I’m expecting.


If you would have asked me a year ago where I saw myself today, I don’t think I would say pregnant. Yet, here we are again expecting our 5th little bundle of joy.

I’m excited about it now that I’ve had a few weeks to process it. When I first found out, I was a little confused and disappointed in myself. After all, my last baby just turned one in December and I was just starting to get back into the groove of things.

I had just started a new exercise routine. I was taking care of my hair and my body. I was taking vitamins because I wanted to not because I was growing someone. I was living! Now, I’m expecting.

Don’t get me wrong. Being pregnant is a wonderful surprise. However, when you’ve done it so much until you don’t even know who you are anymore, you kind of crave a moment to yourself. However, thanks to my husband I have been getting somewhat of a break these last few days. This pregnancy has really been kicking my butt early. So he’s been picking up all of my slack with our home and the other kids.

Speaking of my husband, he’s excited for the new addition to the family as well. He’s really hoping that this baby will be the one that loves him most (Ha!) He had the nerve to ask me how did I do it when I revealed the news to him. As if I could get pregnant on my own! 😂😂😂 Now, he’s making plans for the baby and hyping up the kids to welcome their new siblings.

My kids are always happy to add a new baby to the bunch. If it were up to them, we’d probably have about 10 or 12 kids. Good thing it’s not up to them though!

I’m excited for this new chapter in my life and just wondering where it will take me. Did any of you have 5 children in a row? Tell me how it’s been going for you. I want to know everything!

Too soon???

There’s a breeze brushing across my face. And another. There it goes again. It’s finally cool outside in Mississippi!

You know what that means don’t ya? I’m going to pull out my Christmas tree any moment.

I’m trying to refrain from moving to quick. The urge to throw tinsel and place ornaments is trying to overcome me. This sense of joy is taking over my heart and bubbling up in my body like a hot spring in Colorado. I’m giddy with excitement and nobody else feels my struggle.

  • My kids are still running around being bad like Santa isn’t already watching them.
YouTube is all they know!
Boys… can’t live with them and can’t live without them!
  • My husband won’t volunteer to do the dishes for an extra special present this year.
Facebook in church…naughty list for you!
  • And my animals are tearing up trash and chewing shoes!
I guess it’s her bed now!

Don’t they know it’s cool outside??? It’s practically Christmas tomorrow!

Have any of you been getting excited about the weather lately? Tell me I’m not crazy and comment your experiences down below.

Kindergarten Ready

I’ve done everything that I know to do to prepare for this moment. I’m still not ready, though!

She’s too young to leave me. Five years old still feels like a newborn. Are there any other mamas out there who understand where I’m coming from? This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

I bought the school supplies and uniforms. I packed her book bag and ironed her clothes. I fixed her hair just right and I gave her a speech about how great she is. I’m still not ready, though.

She’s been talking about this day since headstart. She would watch the big yellow bus pass our house in the mornings and say, “I can’t wait to ride that one.” She’s even excited about doing homework. I’m still not ready, though.

I’m not ready for bullies. I’m not ready for boys. I’m not ready for all of the times she will scrape her knee or fall down without me there. I’m not ready for the times when she will accidentally call her teacher mom because we’ve all done that before. I’m not ready for her to not be my baby anymore.

I know I’m being selfish which is why I keep my sentiments to myself. I’m not completely against the whole kindergarten thing. I’m actually excited to see what kind of person she will grow to become. She’s so sweet and opinionated that I’m sure whatever she does with her life will be extraordinary. My baby the kindergartner! It actually has a nice ring to it.

Gone Too Soon

Like the smallest leaf drifting by in the wind, his life slid further and further away from me. I tried to hold onto what I had left of him, but he was gone forever. There was nothing more I could do for him.

Like the smallest leaf drifting by in the wind, his life slid further and further away from me. I tried to hold onto what I had left of him, but he was gone forever. There was nothing more I could do for him.

I didn’t have my baby Sam for a very long time, but in the little bit of time that I did have him we grew attached to one another. His love and devotion was exactly what I needed in a really rough time in my life. Sometimes I’d have the weight of the world on my shoulders but his adoration added with the love of my children was enough to keep me going on.

Many times I’ve thought of ending my own life, so I can’t understand why the death of my puppy hurt me so much. I guess it’s because I loved him. And that fact alone is enough to make me remember my kids all of those times I contemplated and attempted suicide.

Thinking of my puppy taking his last breath without me made me weak to my knees. I can only imagine the impact that my own death would have on my kids. They love me so much.

So even though life seems to be dealing me a bad hand these last few years, I press on. I’ve lost friends along the way, but I press on. I’ve lost my mind a few times, but I press on. I’ve given all of myself, too much of myself, with nothing in return, but still I press on. I press on for my kids. I press on for the hope of a better future for them. I press on for the next generation of leaders and families. I PRESS ON!

The death of my puppy was not only a hard pill to swallow for me, but it was also an eye opener. Life is too precious, and no matter who we are or what we have done, we mean something to somebody. So, don’t waste another moment worrying about what’s in your way. Keep pressing on!

Not Clean Enough?

Why can’t they just pick up after themselves?

I feel like I’m constantly picking up after my kids, my pup, and my husband. I wonder to myself, “Why can’t they just pick up after themselves?”. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone washed their own dishes, did their own laundry, and threw away their own trash? Sounds like heaven to me! But we’re not dead yet, so I’m stuck doing the bulk of the work.

My dear husband does the dishes for me most of the times, and I really appreciate it because I hate washing dishes. But that’s about as far as his cleaning abilities stretch.

My poor puppy! All he hears is “no” and “leave that alone”. I’m sure he gets tired of hearing “bring me back my shoe”. All he wants is something to play with. He’s already excelling at being man’s best friend, what more could we possibly require of him. But sometimes those little people leave yummy surprises for him at meal times. There’s usually a few pieces of food that fall to the floor, and Sam does a good job of finding those for me.

Speaking of little people, I spend a great part of my day saying “go clean your room”. To be honest, I don’t know what it feels like to go a whole day without saying it. Then, on the rare occasion that they have cleaned their rooms, they feel the need to play in them again and make them look worse than they previously looked. When I clean their rooms myself I always find old food and experiments that they’ve made. My kids are so creative. One time, they took my whole box of hot chocolate mix and proceeded to “make chocolate” in their room. Needless to say I wasn’t happy. They had that chocolate everywhere!

By the time I finish cleaning the whole house, I am exhausted. There has got to be another way. How do you get your family more involved with cleaning? Should I just suck it up and do it myself? Maybe if I tell myself that I’m having fun, it won’t be so bad. Comment below and give me tips!

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