Pregnant, Again?

I was living! Now, I’m expecting.


If you would have asked me a year ago where I saw myself today, I don’t think I would say pregnant. Yet, here we are again expecting our 5th little bundle of joy.

I’m excited about it now that I’ve had a few weeks to process it. When I first found out, I was a little confused and disappointed in myself. After all, my last baby just turned one in December and I was just starting to get back into the groove of things.

I had just started a new exercise routine. I was taking care of my hair and my body. I was taking vitamins because I wanted to not because I was growing someone. I was living! Now, I’m expecting.

Don’t get me wrong. Being pregnant is a wonderful surprise. However, when you’ve done it so much until you don’t even know who you are anymore, you kind of crave a moment to yourself. However, thanks to my husband I have been getting somewhat of a break these last few days. This pregnancy has really been kicking my butt early. So he’s been picking up all of my slack with our home and the other kids.

Speaking of my husband, he’s excited for the new addition to the family as well. He’s really hoping that this baby will be the one that loves him most (Ha!) He had the nerve to ask me how did I do it when I revealed the news to him. As if I could get pregnant on my own! 😂😂😂 Now, he’s making plans for the baby and hyping up the kids to welcome their new siblings.

My kids are always happy to add a new baby to the bunch. If it were up to them, we’d probably have about 10 or 12 kids. Good thing it’s not up to them though!

I’m excited for this new chapter in my life and just wondering where it will take me. Did any of you have 5 children in a row? Tell me how it’s been going for you. I want to know everything!

Too soon???

There’s a breeze brushing across my face. And another. There it goes again. It’s finally cool outside in Mississippi!

You know what that means don’t ya? I’m going to pull out my Christmas tree any moment.

I’m trying to refrain from moving to quick. The urge to throw tinsel and place ornaments is trying to overcome me. This sense of joy is taking over my heart and bubbling up in my body like a hot spring in Colorado. I’m giddy with excitement and nobody else feels my struggle.

  • My kids are still running around being bad like Santa isn’t already watching them.
YouTube is all they know!
Boys… can’t live with them and can’t live without them!
  • My husband won’t volunteer to do the dishes for an extra special present this year.
Facebook in church…naughty list for you!
  • And my animals are tearing up trash and chewing shoes!
I guess it’s her bed now!

Don’t they know it’s cool outside??? It’s practically Christmas tomorrow!

Have any of you been getting excited about the weather lately? Tell me I’m not crazy and comment your experiences down below.

Am I Crazy

That’s just the question that I ask myself when I realize that I have 4 kids.

When I first started having children, I don’t think that I knew that I would have 4 of them. I’m currently only 26 and my kids are 4, 3, 1, and 1 month. It’s been challenging to say the least, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My oldest daughter is sort of like my bestfriend.

I would never tell her that though. She’s a big help with her sisters and brothers and she cleans up after herself. She’s a parent’s dream if you ask me. Even when she was a baby, she barely cried. I guess the fact that she’s such a good kid is why I had no reservations about having more.

My big baby

My second child is a little fire ball.

I think she has that middle child syndrome because she gives me the blues most days. She will push the limits every time but I love her. She speaks her mind and she loves to look cute.


My first boy is spoiled rotten.

He’s a mama’s boy and not afraid to show it. Is it normal that he will hug my neck and pat my back and in the same minute shoot at me with a fake gun. I’m not sure if I’m fully prepared for these boys but I can’t help but fall in love with this one.

So handsome

My last baby is just mean.

This boy came out frowning at everyone. I assumed wrong I might add that he would eventually grow out of it and become the happy baby that I felt I was carrying in my womb. He never did and I’m not mad about it. He’s my mean baby and I love him for it.


So, these are my kids. I’m extremely proud of them for no reason other than the fact their mine. I love them and I think that one day they all will grow up to be genius or something of that nature. Do you have kids? Tell me about your children and we can gush about them together because “Aren’t they just too stinkin’ cute?”.

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