Too soon???

There’s a breeze brushing across my face. And another. There it goes again. It’s finally cool outside in Mississippi!

You know what that means don’t ya? I’m going to pull out my Christmas tree any moment.

I’m trying to refrain from moving to quick. The urge to throw tinsel and place ornaments is trying to overcome me. This sense of joy is taking over my heart and bubbling up in my body like a hot spring in Colorado. I’m giddy with excitement and nobody else feels my struggle.

  • My kids are still running around being bad like Santa isn’t already watching them.
YouTube is all they know!
Boys… can’t live with them and can’t live without them!
  • My husband won’t volunteer to do the dishes for an extra special present this year.
Facebook in church…naughty list for you!
  • And my animals are tearing up trash and chewing shoes!
I guess it’s her bed now!

Don’t they know it’s cool outside??? It’s practically Christmas tomorrow!

Have any of you been getting excited about the weather lately? Tell me I’m not crazy and comment your experiences down below.

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